The Ultimate Pet Health Guide

The Ultimate Pet Health Guide is a comprehensive book on feline holistic veterinary medicine. As a holistic vet and researcher, Dr. Gary Richter enables cat and dog owners to wade through the dense mud of conventional pet treatment options, separate the truth from the hype, and make the best choice for their pets. With over 400 pages of fully-illustrated material, The Ultimate Pet Health Guide takes the guesswork out of alternative medicine for cats and dogs. It’s the ultimate, accessible, and complete source on all aspects of natural feline medicine.

The Ultimate Pet Health Guide: is the ultimate book for cat and dog owners, giving them all the basic information they need to make intelligent decisions about their pets’ healthcare. Caring for your pet is a very personal experience, and this guide gives you the resources to not only find the best vets in your area, but also to access the latest information on holistic methods of cat care. The authors of The Ultimate Pet Health Guide are enthusiastic pet caregivers themselves, having spent years researching the best ways to care for your cat or dog. The information in The Ultimate Pet Health Guide can change the way you view traditional medical practices, allowing you to save money while improving the overall quality of life for your pet. This book not only teaches you what you need to know about holistic medicine, but it also provides many helpful tips and recipes that you can use to improve the health of your pets.

The book contains sections on the causes of feline obesity: the optimal diet for dogs and cats, the best kinds of food for your pet(s), and the best kinds of supplements to give your cat(s) both energy and nutrients. The Ultimate Pet Health Guide teaches readers how to spot misleading information on the Internet and how to avoid it by being a savvy consumer. The book advises cat and dog owners to seek out independent scientific information whenever possible, especially when it comes to their pets’ health. For example, many websites claim that drinking milk is good for a dog’s health, but this is simply not true. Similarly, there are some pet foods that are actually more harmful than beneficial to your pet, and knowing this information can help you choose the ideal food for your pet(s).

While cat owners and dog owners: may feel very confident about their own knowledge of pet nutrition, many cat owners may not be as familiar with feline nutrition. As a result, they may make common, avoidable mistakes that can actually harm their pets. By educating themselves on feline nutrition, cat and dog owners can avoid these mistakes. This book also contains valuable sections on preventative health care, including a list of the top ten health risks associated with cat ownership, as well as ways that owners can help their pets stay healthy and active. The Ultimate Pet Health Guide also includes a list of ten important vitamins that all cats need, which can keep the cat and dog healthy and happy.

If you’re a dog owner: then you’ll likely want to know what the best food for your dog is. Knowing which foods are best for your pet can help you control his or her diet, as well as help you meet your pet’s nutritional needs. In addition to the Ultimate Pet Health Guide, there are other helpful books on pet nutrition that you can find at your local library or bookstore. For example, Feline Nutrition, by Karen Pryor and Linda Tellington-Jones, provides a great deal of information on the foods that are healthy for your pet, as well as the foods that should be avoided. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about healthy nutrition for your pet.

If you have a feline friend: you probably already know how much they depend on you. Take the extra time to learn all you can about pet health care. Your cat or dog will thank you for it. If you aren’t sure how to provide the best care for your feline (or dogs), consider purchasing.

The Ultimate Pet Health Guide, Feline Nutrition, and other helpful books, which can all help you improve the health of your pet and give you peace of mind.