How Canadian Green Roads Are Creating An Environmentally Friendly Society

Have you heard of Green Roads? Have you ever wondered what exactly it is? Well, the term simply refers to the creation of safe and clean transport infrastructure that benefits human health. Road Building Canada is responsible for the Green Roads initiative which aims to create National Greenways. The Green Roads initiative is one of the largest public transport building projects in all of Canada. It involves millions of dollars worth of improvements to existing roads and highways and creating new connections through freeways and urban centres.

Can you imagine the difference that a few short years from now? The oil sands of Canada would be just a distant memory. The idea behind the project is to create National Parks and protected forests that will thrive with the help of sustainable forestry practices. Oil prices are still high, but the plan is certainly an investment well made. The benefits of investing in this plan go far beyond the actual oil reserves found in Canada.

The Canadian government: is also responsible for protecting its environment by putting into place numerous regulations and rules that all oil companies must comply with. It also requires these companies to use pure clean oil when they ship their crude oil overseas. If oil spills occur, the government can also provide financial assistance to the victims.

In addition to this: the government has also implemented strict pollution limits and restrictions for automobiles. This has been made possible by stricter emission standards that each vehicle has to meet. For those who own passenger vehicles, they have to obtain a Clean Air Act certificate. All vehicle owners have to buy a car with an efficient fuel economy rating. They are also required to get their cars de-commissioned once a year. They have to make sure their engines and other electrical components don’t emit any excessive amounts of pollution.

The government has also implemented: many environmental protection acts on different levels. They have set aside funds for proper implementation and research. These funds are to be used in various programs that help the preservation and promotion of ecosystems.

For green movement to work in Canada: individuals have to start taking responsibility for their actions. They have to contribute towards the maintenance of clean environments.

They should also take care to do things that will prevent them from becoming a part of the environmentalist’s wrath. Their efforts will then be rewarded through grants and tax credits.